La Carlota City College is committed to pursue holistic quality education which nurtures every individual with relevant content, necessary competency, moral integrity, and contextual mastery to equip glocally transformational leaders with caliber and character.


A premier educational institution of academic excellence, high moral integrity, and creative interdisciplinary integration.


Transformational and Academic Competence (Knowing)

Values and Service-Oriented Community (Being)

Innovative and Responsive Leadership (Doing)

Product and Industry-Driven Lifestyle (Living)

Goal 1: Holistic Quality Education
• Pursues a whole-person focus and interdisciplinary mode of learning..
• Prepares the total human faculties (cognitive, affective, conative) to deal with the prevailing realities of existence.
• Promote a balanced outlook in life and vocation.
• Resolute determination to progress in attaining higher accreditation levels and to obtain center of excellence and center of development status for the degree programs..
Goal 2: Creative collaboration
• Cultivate a consultative corporate ethos through a well-thought decision-making process to achieve viable resolutions.
• Develop a deep sense of mutual accountability for the results.
• Establish linkages with prominent educational institutions locally and internationally, particularly by joining a reputable global consortium.
• Devise strategies involving all the stakeholders to realize financial stability for administrative operations and major infrastructure projects.
Goal 3: Complementary skills
• Establish a system that fosters the best practice of integrating technical or functional expertise, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and Interpersonal skills to maximize a larger scope of involvement.
• Conduct a search for the best scholars, practitioners, and specialists to participate in the development of the institution.
Goal 4: Contextual relevance
• Conduct a regular review of the course curricula to correlate with the demands of time and society.
• Equip transformational leaders who can make qualitative difference in the postmodern milieu.
• Develop a structure for life-long learning, consistent faculty enhancement programs, and leadership development to keep abreast with the current trends of knowledge.
• Upgrade library resources, syllabi, curricula, and instructional materials.
Goal 5: Moral integrity
• Creatively integrate Christian principles through exemplary character in academic endeavors.
• Involve stakeholders in the intentional correlation between theory and praxis, arts and science, logic and life.